Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Coming of Age Day

Coming of age day is held every year on the 10th of January, and celebrates all those young people who turned twenty over the past year. These young people take this day to dress up and skip out of work and school.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Festivities 2011

A Japanese temple is an intriguing place to visit during the New Years festivities, which vary greatly from western countries. traditional plays are preformed for visitors, who purchase a variety of lucky charms, toys and snacks. Japanese write wished on wooden boards and hang them around the temple in hopes that the wish will be granted, it's a lot easier that making a resolution.

New Years Temple Visit

Perhaps the favorite of all Japanese holidays, new years, is celebrated the entire first week of the newly arrived year. Most Japanese take time to visit temples and pray, or better yet learn what their new year will bring via fortiune scroll. If the fortuine they receive is unfavorable, it is rolled up and tied to a rope or tree to seperate it from it's recepiant.